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Flowers & Their Meanings...

Sunflowers – Adoration, Loyalty and Longevity

sunflowersSunflowers symbolize adoration, loyalty and longevity. Much of the meaning of sunflowers stems from its namesake, the sun itself.

These flowers are unique in that they have the ability to provide energy in the form of nourishment and vibrancy—attributes which mirror the sun and the energy provided by its heat and light.

Sunflowers are known for being “happy” flowers, making them the perfect gift to bring joy to someone’s (or your) day.

Carnations – Fascination, Distinction, and Love


The meanings of carnations include fascination, distinction, and love. Like many other flowers, different messages can also be expressed with the flower’s different color varieties.

Light red carnations, for example, are often used to convey admiration, whereas the dark red version expresses deeper sentiments of love and affection. White carnations are associated with purity and luck, and pink carnations are often given as a sign of gratitude.

In the early part of the 20th century, carnations became the official flower of Mother’s Day in addition finding particular significance in many other cultures worldwide.

To this day, carnations remain a favorite flower choice for many different occasions. They are immediately recognizable flowers, and they possess a charm and allure that continues to captivate people around the globe.

In fact, in many parts of the world, the popularity of carnations surpasses that of any other flower including roses.

The powerful sentiments these flowers can express are a perfect complement to their classic beauty and long-lasting freshness. By retaining its status as a floral mainstay for such a long time, the carnation has proven itself to be a lasting flower in more ways than one.

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Coveted through the ages for its simply beauty and intoxicating fragrance, there’s no better way to send a heartfelt message than with the classic rose. Each color rose has its own special significance, though, so it’s important to do your research.

Red Roses – Love & Romance

valentine's day flowers Long associated with beauty and perfection, red roses are a time-honored way to say “I love you.” Whether it’s for a birthday, Valentine’s Day Flowers or just to express appreciation on any old day, there’s no better way than a bouquet of red roses to express your feelings.

Pink Roses – Love – Gratitude – Appreciation

– Bright and beautiful to behold, but pink roses are also fabulously versatile when you have something important to say. A classic symbol of grace and elegance, the pink rose is often given as a token of admiration and appreciation. Whether they’re for your best friend, fiancée or ever-dependable cubicle mate, a pink rose bouquet will create a bright spot in a special someone’s day.

White Roses – Marriage – Spirituality – New Starts

– White roses are traditionally associated with marriages and new beginnings, but their quiet beauty has also made them a gesture of remembrance. When the occasion calls for reverence, whether stately or somber, a bouquet of white rose is a perfect way to say, “I’m thinking of you.”

Orange Roses – Enthusiasm – Passion

orange rose bouquetWith their blazing energy, orange roses are the wild child of the rose family. Whatever feelings you might be bubbling over with—enthusiasm, passion, gratitude—orange roses will get the message across with both oomph and elegance.

Yellow Roses – Friendship – Joy – Good health

When it comes to sending a joyful message, yellow roses are your best friend. In fact, yellow roses are a traditional symbol of friendship, so there you go. With their warm, sunny disposition, a bouquet of yellow roses tends to light up the room, making them a perfect way to say thanks, get well, congratulations or just, “Hey, thanks for being you.”

Tulips – Perfect Love

The meaning of tulips is generally perfect love . Like many flowers, different colors of tulips also often carry their own significance.

Red tulips are most strongly associated with true love, while purple symbolizes royalty. The meaning of yellow tulips has evolved somewhat, from once representing hopeless love to now being a common expression for cheerful thoughts and sunshine.

White tulips are used to claim worthiness or to send a message of forgiveness. Variegated tulips, once among the most popular varieties due to their striking color patterns, represent beautiful eyes.

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With all of the sentiments and meanings of tulips, it’s not surprising that their popularity continues to endure. The wide range of colors and varieties available allows them to be used for many occasions. In addition to being a favorite for cut flower arrangements, tulips can also be given as a potted plant.

The growing and caring for of tulip bulb gardens and plants is a rewarding pastime for many flower lovers. As one of the world’s most beloved flowers, a gift of tulips is a sure delight, enchanting in its beauty and simplicity.

Irisis – Faith, Hope, and Wisdom

irisis flowersFew other flowers can match the elegant beauty of the iris. Representing faith, hope, and wisdom, the iris is a flower that can be used for many different occasions.

While it is most known for its distinctive blue varieties, the iris can also be found in other colors such as yellow and white.

Orchids – Rare and Delicate Beauty

orchids flowersWith an exotic appearance, orchids have come to represent rare and delicate beauty.

Those seeking to make a lasting impression with a unique flower have found the orchid to be a perfect choice.

As both potted plants and cut flower arrangements, these tropical flowers have an undeniable appeal.

Gladioluses – Strength, Honor and Infatuation

asda flowers GladiolusesThe tall, striking spike of gladiolus is one of the most eye-catching flowers. With the meaning of strength, honor and infatuation they are great to give to a significant other.

Just as popular as garden plants and cut flowers, these slender beauties can grow up to five feet tall! They also come in nearly every color from bright red to pastel pink.

Meanings in different cultures:

  • In China, it is believed the gladiolus can help people who have passed away find the heavens.
  • Victorian romantics believed the gladiolus flowers were capable of piercing someone’s heart with their beauty causing infatuation.
  • In spiritual circles, gladioluses are referred to as a ladder to heaven with their tall spires and blooms that grow from the bottom up.

Chrysanthemums – Friendship, Love and Joy

Commonly referred to as mums, reference friendship, love and joy. They have become the go-to flower for front porch decor during the summer and fall season. You can see them adorning doorways and front steps across America. They are hardy, colorful flowers that are easy to care for.

From ancient Asian cultures to modern-day America, the chrysanthemum has signified everything from life to death.

Meanings in different cultures:

  • In China, the flower is one of the “Four Gentlemen” (四君子) of China, a prestigious group of plants which commonly signify the changing seasons.
  • The chrysanthemum became associated with death rather than life in European cultures because of its prevalent use as gravesite decoration.
  • In the U.S. it has grown in popularity since its introduction in the colonial period. It is now commonly referred to as “the Queen of fall flowers”.
  • In Australia, the chrysanthemum is gifted to “mums” (moms) on Mother’s Day.
  • The mum is the November birth flower.

Gerbera Daisy – Beauty and Innocence

tesco flowers gerbera daisyDistinguished by their large, beautiful blooms and wide assortment of vibrant colors, gerbera daisies have become a favorite flower choice for expressing cheerful sentiments. The traditional flower meanings for the gerbera daisy, however, are beauty and innocence.

Their meanings stem from those attributed to the general daisy family and include innocence and purity, as well as being a classic symbol of beauty.

However, the Gerbera variety holds an added meaning of cheerfulness, which is attributed to their perky variety of colors. An assorted bouquet of Gerbera daisies can quickly lift the spirit and are an ideal way to brighten someone’s day.

The sheer multitude of available colors has helped the Gerbera daisy become a favorite choice for many different occasions from birthdays, get well, congratulations, thank you and many more.

There are many types of flowers which can help to express our thoughts and feelings for our loved ones, but the Gerbera daisy and its meaning stand out as one of the most distinctly bright and merry. With its bold and striking appearance, the Gerbera daisy has become the most highly-prized daisy variety.

When you send Gerbera daisies, know that these fresh flowers convey a deeply meaningful message and make a lively lasting impression.

Peruvian Lilies – Friendship and Devotion

sainsburys flowers peruvian liliesWhile they resemble smaller versions of many lily varieties, Peruvian lilies, also known as alstroemeria, have many distinctive qualities of their own.

If you’re looking for flower meanings like friendship and devotion, Peruvian lilies are the choice for you. Available in a variety of colors, these exquisite flowers can create a striking arrangement.

The flirtatious blooms of Peruvian lilies dawn a variety of shades, making them a fun choice for many occasions. With the primary meanings of Peruvian lilies being friendship and devotion, these precious flowers are sure express your most playful sentiments.

Today, the meanings of Peruvian lilies are friendship and devotion. With so many gift-giving occasions that center on these themes, you may find Peruvian lilies to be a safe choice across the board. Whether you’re sending a bouquet just because, or for your friend’s birthday or graduation, the meaning of Peruvian lilies expresses your love and support in so many ways.

As a symbol of devotion, Peruvian lilies can say to a companion or loved one that you will always be there for them and that you trust in your lasting bond.

The depth of meanings for Peruvian lilies is a compliment to their beauty, and the message that these flowers send is profound in its authentic simplicity. The brilliantly colored blooms of Peruvian lilies can light up a room as well as the hearts of their recipients. Whether displayed on their own or used to accent a mixed bouquet, these dazzling flowers will always attract attention because of their unique appeal and the meaningful messages that they can carry.

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